The Assembly Token shares advertising revenue through a "learn-to-earn" model

● "Learners" earn valuable gift cards● "Referrers" share in the growth● Advertisers lower their CPM


Participate in the Platform's Growth

Reduce Misinformation

Earn a Seat at the Governance Table

Voters earn tokens by referring other voters to learn-and-earn

When voters help other voters "learn-to-earn" they are rewarded with tokens so they have a long-term incentive to continue sharing learning modules.

Third-party fact-checkers earn tokens by verifying ad content

Misinformation is minimized on the platform by rewarding third-party fact-checkers for reviewing and verifying the content.

Media and influencers earn tokens by onboarding their audience

Media, especially local and indie, as well as influencers earn tokens when hey help their audience increase their engagement with issues and elections.

Advertisers earn tokens when increasing reoccurring spend

Advertisers who commit to the new ad platform and help it benefit the entire ecosystem earn tokens so they share its growth and adoption.

Non-profits and brands benefit from their voter engagement campaigns

Organizations increasing voter registration and engagement not only increase education and participation through Assembly, but earn tokens which give them economic and governance stake.

How the Assembly Token ($OBOL) Creates and Shares Value with Our Ecosystem

Let's take a quick overview of the power of the Assembly Token to build a supportive and growing ecosystem. The diagram below might look complicated, at first. But let's walk through it togethe!


Assembly users share "learn to earn" modules with others


When another user completes a "learn-to-earn" ad module, funds are released to Assembly.

Assembly keeps some of the funds for operations and distributes cash value as tokens to the "learner" who "earned."


Assembly rewards the referrer with tokens also backed by the advertising funds released.

Users redeem cash-backed tokens for gift cards, taking tokens out of circulation.
