Assembly for Political Advertisers and Consultants

Target with precision, relevance, and persuasiveness on a scalable ad-platform built for political campaigns.


Pay for Persuasion, Not Just Awareness

Most advertising formats are interrupt-driven: the voter is in the middle of something else, likely unrelated to your campaign.
Assembly's "learn-to-earn" ad format incentivizes voters to engage with content to help them become more informed.
With this more captive attention, you are able to provide more persuasive content.
Use your awareness campaigns to drive traffic to this persuasive format.

Relevant, Privacy-Preserving Targeting with Voter Intent Data

Great targeting delivers high ROI and ROAS. But how far are you willing to go for that targeting....compromising privacy okay with you?  
Regulatory changes are coming, so privacy-preserving targeting will matter to your strategy.
The best targeting is voter intent data -- how did a given voter intend to vote on a particular issue or candidate, past and present.
This is hard to come by unless Voters want to share this information.

High ROI on CPA-Based Advertising Yields Lower Effective CPMs

It's more than advertising. It's about restoring democracy.

Marketing in ways that help you win while combating misinformation and invasion of privacy is about values.


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