Restoring Democracy

Learn. Earn. Vote. A scalable platform for better political advertising.


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Changing the Game for a Stronger Democracy

Who benefits from Assembly?


Incentivized and rewarded for learning about issues while protecting their privacy from invasive surveillance.



Election-oriented target attributes with an ad format that helps distill issues and facts for voters to shape their opinion. 

Artboard 9


Organizers can capture valuable data to improve their outreach and mobilization efforts.

The Problem with the Current Platforms

Assembly addresses underlying problems with current platforms that hurts voters, advertisers, and organizing groups throughout the political process.  

Reliance Upon Surveillance

Current models structurally violate privacy because of the necessity and design of their social media products


Invasive Micro-Targeting

The aggressive collection of data enables invasive targeting, identifying potent triggers and emotions.


Unchecked Misinformation

Echo-chambers are filled with misinformation which aggravates behavior or suppresses voting.

Opaque Data and Content

Targets, content, funders remain opaque or ephemeral limiting healthy checks and balances.

Misaligned Incentives

Voters motivated by triggered emotions and platforms motivated by time-on-site leads to extremism


By solving the biggest problems, we're creating a better platform for political marketing that benefits voters, advertisers, and organizers.

Privacy and Encryption

Data is encrypted, consent-only, and isolated from user identity.

Relevant Targeting

Granular, election-specific targeting without encroaching on sensitive data.

Incentivized Learning

Instead of divisive discourse, learning-to-earn reduces inflammatory content.

Transparent Platform

Content, funders, and targeting data available for researchers, watchdogs, and advertisers.

Tokenized Alignment

Rewards and payments are based on learning, submitting information, and contributing to the platform.

Voters Learn to Earn

Assembly's blockchain-based ad platform rewards voters to learn from paid advertisements on issues and candidates.
● Incentivized to dig into issues, not react to emotions● Rewarded for consenting to sharing targeting data securely● Motivated to vote instead of being turned-off by extremism


Advertisers Target and Persuade

Assembly provides advertisers with granular registration and voter data without compromising security and privacy.
Data includes voter-intent and ad performance data such as:
● Voting intent on other issues on the Assembly platform● Jurisdiction, party, and ethnicity                                            ● Ad performance by voting intent and coverage                

Organizers Go Digital Easily

Organizers and Get Out the Vote (GOTV) can bridge in-person engagement and physical assets to better data.

The Voter's voter intent and registration data is anonymized and available for every Voter onboarded with your organization's unique QR code:

● Understand voting intent of your community
● Capture demographic data without implementing new tools
● Continue off-line engagement to online persuasion 


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